Letter to the Editor

Stay informed

Friday, October 7, 2005

Dear Editor,

Last month, I read in the Bartley Town Board meetings that they were going to tear out the sidewalk on our beautiful park that they put so much money and time into. I wrote a letter to say I thought the sidewalk should be left for old people and handicapped persons to be able to enjoy the park.

They have bathrooms and a nice bench to sit on in the park, and a nice shelter house not far from the existing sidewalk. Yes, it is true that people can walk across the park and you can drive a scooter or wheelchair or a stroller, and it will be an awfully bumpy ride for that person.

The town board is worried about weeds or grass more than 6 or 8 inches high, and a few people let their dogs run with nothing done. There are places in town that are very, very junky and they do nothing about that.

I see we are going to get new street signs, new siren, new water reading equipment, new things for the firemen (much needed), but all this costs money, just because a grant was given, that still means the city has money to spend above the grant money. I think we should have money for upkeep on the streets and sidewalks as well, where there are sidewalks and houses the people are supposed to do the upkeep on the sidewalks. Again, why not the city?

As for Terry Perks, he works many, many house and he is expected to be on call 24 hours a day. Running the town takes a lot of time and he has people who ask him questions and ask for his help during the day. Some of the board members think he is not working, but I know he puts in a lot of hours. As far as the wages I see in the paper, if they are for the employees, then he is not getting enough to make a living. I know they pay insurance and it adds up, but I think the board should be thankful for a person who will work as many hours as Terry does and cares for the town and the people in it. He is an EMT and a fireman and we need to keep people like him in this town.

My last words, people of the town of Bartley, read the minutes of the school board and the town board so you will know what is going on. Don't assume you know. Find out before it is too late; it is never too late to voice your opinion in any matter. That is what makes the United States a great place to live.

In God we Trust.

Beverly Smith,

Bartley native

for a lot of years

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