Letter to the Editor

Cartoon damages political system

Monday, October 3, 2005

Dear Editor,

I received your Saturday-Sunday edition and was so shocked to see the cartoon from the Hastings Tribune regarding the Ron Ross and Shane Osborn Treasurer's race. I have participated in the political process for many years and I think that the cartoon was very demeaning and misleading in the way it portrays Ron Ross. I personally have worked with and known Ron for many years, working with him on community projects, business projects and in the political arena.

He is an outstanding individual, very intelligent and an extremely forthright person with high integrity.

If this is an example of what the political process has become, we are in for a very long and difficult period in this state. I personally have to say that the cartoon was very damaging to the whole political process.

Phyllis A. Gardner,


EDITOR'S NOTE -- Ross' predecessor as State Treasurer, Lorelee Byrd, resigned in disgrace after she allegedly wrote 12 checks for $300,000 and stashed them in a safe in an attempt to make it appear the money had been spent, allegedly to protect her office from budget cuts.

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