Letter to the Editor

Couldn't care less

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dear Editor,

I was going to Corn Flake Joke ball before Devaney showed up at the Cereal Bowl in Lincoln, and I wasn't impressed. In the ensuing years I've not been impressed.

Of course, I don't care for baseball, basketball, golf, or any other team sport. There is a simple reason for it; there are more than one player on teams, but the writers and broadcasters single out one player and make him the scapegoat for the team's loss. If the quarterback hadn't fumbled the ball, if the guard had blocked the shot, had this one or that one done something different. How about if the team had done a better job, they'd have won. Those are, after all, team sports, including golf when it's on a school level.

Personally, I wish they'd keep the sports on ESPN where it belongs. People who want to waste their time watching it can pay the fee and do so and the rest of us who couldn't care less about sports wouldn't have to be bothered by it.


Robert A. Yost


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