Letter to the Editor

Bovine to beef

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Dear Editor,

Do ye wonder what the fuit stickers cost? Consider, if them and animal IDs from calf to grill, efforts been used to tag aliens; (911 might not have happened).

A cow had twins; one sold as a nurse calf, then grower, weaner, feeder and feedlot; the other stayed in the herd 'til slaughter. Taxing any animal more than once is unfair and unjust!

Enthusiasm, plus a volunteered $1 -- doeth more than $10 -- seized and spent! The cheat-off crowd's goal is checkoff with no proof of profit. (Could the radio, TV and newspapers fain as cheat-off crowd force sell ads to thee?)

Those who tried exotic cattle, other innovations, risked to make a profit. The claims, expenses and choice of promotion.

Of everyone involved in production, have a prior constitutional right over the cheat-off crowd's monopoly. How have they profited thee?

Hath a nation changed their Gods which are yet no gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Jer. 2:11.

P.S. Why don't Jack Maddux and his cheat-off cronies offer competition at his hometown barbecue?

Frank Sowers,


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