Letter to the Editor

For the arbitrarians

Friday, July 29, 2005

Dear Editor,

The Wilsonville Town Clerk still didn't quote me right. I stated, "I resign because the Board follows the ordinances of the town arbitrarily.

I can't be a part of a Board like that."

Their attorney tried to get me to say I was resigning because of the petition and then I repeated myself.

I told the clerk that I wanted it in the minutes the way I said and she irritatingly said she would do that.

The minutes of the meeting reported to the Cambridge Clarion don't reflect that and she claims I made their attorney repeat something he stated several times which didn't happen.

The entire board forgot about the motion I made at the June meeting regarding prayer before the meeting starts.

The Chairman tabled it and it wasn't on the agenda for July and I predict it will be conveniently forgotten.

I also don't want to be a part of a board that leaves God out and looks to their own reasoning alone.

Ponder Psalm 82:2-5, Jude 1:16, 1 Cor. 15:33.

**Kent Alan Chambers


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