Letter to the Editor

Just off the bus?

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Dear Editor,

The rocket scientists are sure spending a whole heck of a bunch of our hard-earned money on a rocket ship that was built to collide with the Temple One comet. "Deep Impact," if I heard correctly on TV cost us to the tune of $333 million. I didn't even know there was that many dollar bills in the whole wide world. They are trying to ascertain how the universe was formed and how life began. All they have to do is pick up the Bible and read the book of Genesis to get the absolute truth about all that. (For the benefit of the Bible ignorant. Genesis is the very first book in the Bible.) I'd like to suggest that next time, a $333 million grant be used to fund a Bible study for all the rocket scientists.

That brings us to the issue of "Cosmic Dust." Rocket scientists have determined that cosmic dust is a form of dust that exists throughout the universe. They decided that, supposedly, the universe is millions upon millions or perhaps even billions upon billions of years old, (time plus nothing equals life?) and that the surface of the moon would have approximately three feet of cosmic dust accumulated, because of the amount of cosmic dust that settles in a years time. So, they built Apollo 11 accordingly, with three feet long landing gear. On July 20, A.D. 1969, the Lunar Module landed on the moon. and the landing gear sunk approximately one inch. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. stepped off of the ladder and his boot sunk in the cosmic dust approximately one inch. About 6,000 years of cosmic dust.

That is rather difficult to explain away. The Holy Bible says that God created the universe about 6,000 years ago.

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". (2 Timothy 3:7.)

As a sidenote, here is the joke of the day: "Sen. Ted Kennedy (D. Mass.) rejected another Supreme Court Nominee today because of his obvious Moral Turpitude." (That is an example of a joke that can be interpreted at least two different ways.)

The rocket scientists explanation for cosmic dust, and the lack thereof, is this: "We must have miscalculated the correct accumulation, etc." Maybe now they have changed all the textbooks to read, "One inch of Cosmic Dust equals 60 billion years." As Mickey Stubblefield occasionally says, "You have got to be jiving me."

As our Drill Instructor used to say, 'What, you think I just got off the bus or something?"


George R. Anderson


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