Letter to the Editor

Real problem

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dear Editor,

In reference to the editorial "Find compromise on marriage law," a basic tenet of the natural law is violated. There is no advancement when truth is "compromised" -- for that is not compromise, it is error. (And, this violence is done to all parties involved, for error is destructive.) So, to indicate to active homosexuals that their relationships are morally acceptable, normal, or healthy simply is not true, and thus is not in their own, or our (society's) best interest.

We need to genuinely help them -- not encourage them to ever lower levels of immortality. And, these relationships are proven to be very physically destructive, on top of the tremendous spiritual damage that is done.

Why is the very unhealthy nature of homosexual relationships so persistently ignored? How long will people turn their heads and refuse to even acknowledge the AIDS connection along with the other serious diseases related to this behavior?

Do people not realize how often homosexual companions have to find a new partner because the old one died of a behavior-related disease. This is reality! To genuinely help these people, we need to guide them to the realization that this type of behavior is not good. Our creator is offended by this abuse of the body that he gave us.

Another point that never seems to be acknowledged by the media is the fact that this behavior (homosexual attraction) is proven to be successfully treatable in the large majority of individuals who have sought genuine help. There are organizations such as COURAGE that have helped and supported thousands of men and women who experience same-sex temptations. If we truly care for and love these brothers and sisters of ours, we must encourage and direct them to find real help!

One more aspect -- let us face reality -- these social engineers who are trying to invite us to bring about our own moral collapse, will not stop with the acceptance of homosexual partnerships. Next, they will be advocating adult-child sex, bestiality, etc. -- immorality knows no bounds! And, if you doubt this statement, I suggest that you do some research into NAMBLA -- North American Men Boy Love Association. If the title of this organization itself does not tell you something, I would be happy to direct you to some sources that would.

Nebraska voters, you did the right and honorable thing when you voted strongly in favor of the beautiful marriage amendment. Just because the social engineers do not see the light, does not change the truth, even if their garb is a judicial robe. (That is where big changes need to be made -- in our judiciary system. Is this not the system that has declared slavery, flag burning, the murder of unborn children, infanticide [they call it partial-birth abortion], and more sodomy, all as constitutional?)

Would you not agree -- here lies the real problem? Come to think of it, I don't recall anywhere where our Constitution states that our democracy is to be ruled solely "by the judiciary"!

Jerome Biegler,


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