Letter to the Editor

True love

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dear Editor,

The argument that "it's none of our business what goes on behind closed doors" is fraught with error and here is why:

The Holy Bible does condemn people who "continue" to practice homosexuality. They could repent and be forgiven! 

They could be changed by the restorative power of God, but those who say to accept them as they are, might as well say that to the adulterers, those who bear false witness and other individuals that are mentioned in Revelation 22:15, we accept you and we can't fire you or discriminate against you in any way. We can't even tell you the truth!

The gay community is not nicer than the heterosexual community. In fact; the studies bear out that there is more physical abuse among partners, alcoholism, drug-abuse and the suicide rate is higher.

There is also a decreased life-span due to the riskier sexual lifestyles they engage in and spread to others. We should be loving them by warning them of their earthly and eternal fate. As soon as they see the light, give them all the "true love" we can give them.

There are countless scriptures that condemn those that practice homosexuality, but I will not go there at this time.

I want to further explain this notion that "it's none of our business what goes on between individuals."

What about all the pornography, physical abuse, rape, incest, child molesting, prostitution that happens among gay, bisexual and heterosexuals?

Even much of that is between consenting individuals! Explain how any of this is good for society? Why, we really shouldn't be upset either about perversions that go off the chart like beastiality. NAMBLA has been quoted as saying "sex by 8 or it's too late."

There is more derision against bigamists and polygamists than to sodomites. What about Peeping Toms? Should we discriminate?

I love Sen. Ernie Chambers. He does a great service on many fronts and I will miss him, but he and those who agree with him are not loving the gay community by their logic. They are loving them right into Hell. That is not love!

Kent Alan Chambers


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