
Thanks, Mom

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Sit down, Mom. We need to talk. I need to apologize for taking you for granted for all these years. It's my fault. You do so much for me ... every day in so many ways ... but I don't properly express my affection or put my feelings into words. Oh, I say thanks every now and then, and sometimes I'll even give you a hug or a big smile.

But for some reason, I don't tell you often enough how I'm feeling down deep. I am so incredibly lucky to have you as my Mother.

I knew it, even though I didn't have the words to express it, when I was very young. Later, I read the words of the English poet, Ann Taylor, who wrote: "Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My mother."

Strange, I thought. How could Miss Taylor have known you? But she must have, because her words describe you to a T. You were always there ... from the moment I was born and through every twist and turn through life. That's the big thing, Mom. I can count on you, no matter what. I've done some stuff I'm not proud of. You know what I mean. I yelled at you. I argued with you. I didn't understand why you were so strict. I wished so many times that you would just leave me alone.

But now, these many years later, I realize how important your love and guidance were. You set boundaries. You taught me that each of us has responsibilities, not only in our dealings with family and friends, but also in every aspect of our lives on earth.

Am I being too serious? I hope not, because that's not why I love and respect you so much. I love you for all the things you are and all the things we have shared. We have laughed and we have cried. We have teased and we have tickled. But through it all, I have had one overwhelming, deep-down feeling that will carry me through all the days of my life:

You lift me up with your wisdom and your comforting words. I cherish our time together, and I pray that I can inspire my children as you have inspired me. Thanks, Mom. You gave me life and you taught me about love. In my mind, there are no greater gifts than those.

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