
New statue

Friday, April 1, 2005

Dear Editor,

As chairperson of the newly-formed George W. Bush Society, I am pleased to announce plans for a life-sized statue of the president being placed in the center of Norris Park.

As we all know, George W. is, without question, the greatest president in U.S. history.

"Mr. Democracy," the title of the nearly-finished sculpture, is being executed by the world-class artist, I.R. Philistine and his assistant, Mr. Grabmoney.

Connoisseurs of realist art will be pleased to see the eyes have the characteristic inane Bush squint and the ears stick out over 18 inches from the head.

We plan to place the bronze statue ona 6-foot high granite base with the words "Beware evil doers, wherever you are, I'm going to get you!"

Steve Stramel,


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