Letter to the Editor

No guarantees

Friday, March 25, 2005

Dear Editor,

I would like to offer a challenge to Robert A. Yost concerning his letter of 3-23 A.D. 2005. Read on if you dare, Robert.

"... all that hate me love death." (Proverbs 8:36B). The problem that this scripture presents to the unbelievers is that they hate the thought of their own death, but any other kind of death is just fine.

Robert, one day you may be in the same shoes as Terri Schiavo is. If you don't have a living will, you best get one soon; nobody is guarantee tomorrow.

You need to be specific also, if you are just connected to a feeding tube, as Terri is, then you would be slowly starved to death as Terri is.

The way the liberal judges are making laws nowadays, a living will is not foolproof, but it is the only thing lawyerwise we can do.

If you don't have time to consult a lawyer, then a public statement stating your wishes may be legally binding. I'm sure that if Terri had ever made any type of public statement, Michael Schiavo would have presented it.

Robert, just because you don't believe the Word, doesn't mean anything. It's still the truth. No one has ever commented on any of the scriptures I have mentioned in my letters, because no one can directly dispute the truth. If you wish to compare lies, just look at the liberal plot that has been hatched in this land (... "deceiving and being deceived." 2 Timothy 3:13B). The devil is a liar. In 1994, I became a born again Christian, and at that moment my eternity with Jesus began.

At the moment you were born into this short life, your eternity with Satan began. This life is as close to hell as I will ever get. If you don't get right with God, this is as close to Heaven as you will ever get.

As Michael Schiavo and all the abortionists will confirm, "All who hate God, love death," especially if it's profitable.

God uses everyone, believers and unbelievers alike, to achieve His will. Prayers are answered supernaturally, and sometimes just through other people. My challenge to you, Robert, is this: Make a living will, or a public statement concerning your possible helpless future state. That will be, God willing, presented to your family at the proper time. In the meantime, it will behoove you to treat Jesus, the Creator, with all due respect.


George R. Anderson,


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