Letter to the Editor

Vain hopes

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Dear Editor,

I see that King George, his fanatical clerics and the Republican Guard have once again deprived a citizen of the right to make decisions based on personal conscience, rather than religious dogma, and I find this to be deplorable.

I agree that Mrs. Schiavo is being treated inhumanely. If she were a family pet and the vet said there was no hope of recovery, the pet would be put to sleep and that would be that. People, unfortunately, aren't that lucky. They get hooked to life support systems in the vain hope that they may some day revive, and if they don't, they just lay there.

To those who are against removing the tubes, I offer this challenge. If you are so certain that God, as you understand Him wants her to live, pray, and if the answer is yes, she will do so without the machines. If He says no, she won't. Should your faith not be such that you trust Him to make the right choice in the matter, (or) you aren't as faithful as you claim.

Thanks for the space.


Robert A. Yost


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