Letter to the Editor

Great tax concept

Monday, March 7, 2005

Dear Editor,

Congratulations, McCook Daily Gazette! ("Transaction Tax: Has its time come?" http://www.mccookgazette.com/story/1090684.html): You've broken through the Conspiracy of Silence and the dirty little secret is out: there is a reasonable, rational, efficient, and painless alternative to the atrocious, terrible, and oppressively painful Income Tax, and the regressive consumer goods sales tax proponents of such schemes as the Value Added Tax, the Fair Tax, and other variations of a national sales tax that will shift the tax burden in its entirety onto the backs of Mr. and Mrs. Middle America.

Actually, this idea didn't originate in McCook, although, as you report, your Senator Dierks, prompted by McCook's own Jack Lytle and Don Klein, may have been the first US State Legislator to introduce such a bill, and your Lieutenant Governor Kim Robak the first State executive officer to publically recognize its merits.

But, as Einstein taught us, space and time are relative, and Robak's "star years" may have been collapsed into a mere decade or so.

I've been mining the Internet for the past several years for literature and data on this particular application of the transaction tax. And I have enough stored on my computer to keep the Gazette's top economics writer supplied with material for illuminating articles for the next several years.

Lew Warden

via e-mail

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