Letter to the Editor

Tax the churches

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Dear Editor,

Mr. Hendricks, I read your article in the Saturday paper and I'm sorry to say that you missed the obvious. Even backwater politicians know better than to tell those who prescribe to the theory of creationism "no."

If they were to tell a church no, the church would get out the vote and the politician would not be re-elected. The college may draw many students and others to the community where they spend money, but that doesn't outweigh the clout of the church.

That's why I strongly feel that churches should lose their tax-exempt status. They play a strong role in politics and one of the tenets of tax-exemption is that you take no sides in any political activity.

Yes, you read right. I did say creationism theory. If, as they claim, we all came from just two people, then the population of the entire world is the product of an act that not only the Bible but every nation in the world considers a crime, and I'm not talking about sodomy. Think about it and you'll get it. Have a nice day.

Robert A Yost


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