Letter to the Editor

Who decides?

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Dear Editor,

I was recently reading some articles in the McCook Gazette, just trying to keep up with the town I called home for 4 years, and I came across my dad's article (yes Mike Hendricks is my dad) on the smoking ban in Lincoln.

I knew this would cause some letters, and sure enough George R. Anderson wrote in confirming what has happened in Lincoln -- people who don't go to bars deciding what people who do go to bars can and can not do.

I do not favor the ban on smoking but I am the minority who believe people should have the freedom to do what they want.

However, I don't have a problem with the ban in restaurants, as many in Lincoln were already in the process of banning smoking when the ban came in.

But for someone to tell me that I can't smoke in a bar when I visit my brother and yet they never go to a bar, seems a bit hypocritical to me

Michael Hendricks,

via e-mail

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