Letter to the Editor

Vote for stability

Friday, October 29, 2004

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regard to the paid ads by the recently-formed Southwest Nebraska Security Committee to vote for the five people represented in the ad for the supervisors for the NRD board.

These are the people who have tried to stop allocations being put on groundwater irrigators in the Middle Republican Natural Re-sources District.

They think they should be able to pump all the water they need for their own use, even though this type of irrigation has already depleted all the surface water rights away from some 40,000 acres in the district.

This has had a large impact on the economy of this area.

Domestic wells are going dry -- how long will there be water for our households, livestock, towns and cities?

This type of thinking and doing is what led us into the expensive lawsuit with Kansas.

These irrigators are defying the Compact Settlement negotiated by Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado.

During a drought, some regulations are necessary.

To help restore some stability of water usage for the sake of our future and way of life, please vote for the incumbent members who have been working on rules and regulations for eight years!

Don Roberts,

Farmer, rancher, past surface irrigator.


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