Letter to the Editor

A personal thing

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Dear Editor,

This will be my last letter to the editor. I write only to offer my bonafides and to allay the suggestion by some writers that THEY are a Christian, which implies I am not.

I have had theological training. I was a licensed pastor of a christian church for several years. I have read the Bible through only twice but have also read chapters and verses of interest in many places in the Bible, many times. I have read the Koran and referenced it many times in search of understanding and clarification. My readings of texts and interpretations has been extensive.

There is one thing I know for sure, and that is that religion or religious beliefs and 'The Word' are often not the same and that people believe what they want to believe, usually because it was taught to them as being correct. It doesn't mean it is incorrect, nor does it mean it is correct. It only means each person believes in a certain and particular manner.

The intolerant think others should believe as they do and spend endless hours attempting to argue their point with others THEIR way of thinking is right - which COULD mean they have some doubts and are searching for affirmation.

"Religion" is a very personal thing. Let's keep it personal. By the way, feedback I get runs 3 to 1 in favor of my last letter.

Writer Ray


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