Letter to the Editor

Good day, sir

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Dear Editor,

Mr. Anderson, our discourse has been, to me, fun. I enjoy a good debate, it keeps the mind open to new ideas.

It has been brought to my attention that the opinion page of the Gazette isn't really the proper place for religious discussion. It was also brought to my attention that your silence on the main part of my commentary about Jesus not being welcome spoke volumes. You chose to address the eye of a needle. That was the easy path.

I go to a church where all are welcome regardless. The only requirement is to have a desire to hear God's word.

I should like to point out, sir, that religion is a matter of faith, not fanaticism. A fanatic's mind is usually not open to new ideas , or other views of a common subject. I should like to use the Muslim cleric Al Sadr as a case in point. He would rather send people to their death in the name Allah than give change a chance.

Some folks who I hold in high esteem have asked me to end this discussion, citing its futility. Therefore, sir, I bid you a good day.

Robert A. Yost


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