Letter to the Editor

Better off then

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Dear Editor,

The world needs more people like George Anderson. One-track, simple-minded.

He did not mention that the irnnews.com is nothing more than a Republican Propaganda Web site.

The Democrats also have there own Web sites. If he would open up his mind and look at the world situation, maybe he could understand what is going on in the world without someone lying to him and being so simple that he believes anything.

I am a retired Navy person and I will guarantee you that in Vietnam there were no Showtime locations. Maybe George should leave McCook once in a while and see what is outside of the city limits.

Let's ask George and everyone else to just look at their bank accounts and their assets. Are you better off now or were you better off four years ago?

Personally I was a lot better off four years ago.

Donald J. Walters,

via e-mail

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