
Congratulations to graduates on way to the future

Friday, May 14, 2004

There is a reason ... a very special reason ... why high school graduation is one of the most celebrated occasions in communities across America, and especially so in small towns such as those of Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas.

Why? Because, as parents and teachers, we traveled the same path earlier in our lives. We know what it takes ... 13 years of study and activities ... starting in kindergarten and going all the way through that final, fleeting senior year.

What a tremendous difference those years make. From the beginning of school -- when the learning of numbers, letters and social skills were the main priorities -- to the ceremony we alternately call "graduation" (the finishing) and "commencement" (the beginning).

It is appropriate that we use two such contrasting terms to describe the occasion. Because that is what the conclusion of the high school years is: the end of one part of life and the start of another.

Throughout Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas -- at 20 high schools -- more than 550 of our children and grandchildren have persevered, completing the course of study necessary to receive a high school diploma.

That is an accomplishment which should never be taken lightly. Yes, there are many more challenges to come in the continuing adventure called life. But, as high school graduates, our young people have a heads up ... a good, basic knowledge to prepare them for life. And, for that, parents, teachers and the community at large can take justifiable pride. By encouraging education, and supporting our children in their growing-up years, we have pointed them in the direction of future success.

Where will the future lead the 550 high school graduates from this area? The answer -- without question -- will be in many, many directions. We see that already when the graduates tell us of their future plans.

For many, the first step will be college. For others, the immediate future will lead to the military, on-the-job training and technical education. And -- beyond that -- career choices are awesome in their diversity, ranging all the way from aviation, art education and architectural engineering to pharmacy, psychology and social work.

Many have chosen to pursue careers in medicine, while others are selecting the fields of education, accounting, journalism, graphic design, physical therapy, veterinary medicine and the specialized trades, such as welding.

In this earthly life, nothing is more important than our young people. They are our hope for the future. The reason we try so hard to do things right.

As they graduate ... and commence ... we congratulate them for their accomplishments and wish them the best life has to offer.

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