Letter to the Editor

Don't look back

Monday, March 1, 2004

Dear Editor,

Sarah, it is unfortunate you live in McCook, and are a teenager who appreciates God's greatest creation for the work of art it is.

When you spoke of Michaelangelo, the Sistine Chapel came to mind. The Pope commissioned him to paint it, and he chose the Bible as his source of inspiration.

Then, he had to fight with the priests and bishops over it because of the nudity and other graphic depictions. He only silenced them when he asked if they didn't believe what the Bible said.

Botticelli calls to mind "Birth of Venus," another of the great works by the Old Masters.

Don't feel bad about not being allowed to show your art. I wasn't allowed to show mine at the Art Guild because it is too controversial, and I am a lot older than you are.

Finish high school and try for scholarships in big universities. Live in the big cities, where your art will be appreciated for what you wish to express, not what a bunch of dried up old fogies want to repress. Become successful, do all you want to do, and never look back.

Robert A. Yost,


P.S., God created man in His image, then created woman from the man's rib. To be ashamed of the body is to be ashamed of God. You hypocrites.

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