Letter to the Editor

Judge not, lest ...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to a letter printed in the Open Forum on 23 Jan. 2004. the letter was written by Mr. George Anderson, titled "Fairy tale." I am just wondering where Mr. Anderson collected his facts on evolution. According to Webster's Dictionary, evolution is "the development of a species, organism or organ from its primitive or original form to its present or specialized state; phylogeny or onyogeny. The theory, now generally accepted, that all species of plants and animals developed from earlier forms by hereditary transmission of slight variations in successive generations."

They teach some of the general ideas of evolution in school during science class in the first grade. Granted, it is very simple at first, but as we get older, it does become more detailed in nature.

Mr. Anderson stated that "evolution is everywhere" as far as I know, abortion, illiteracy, and prejudice are not part of the human genetic code (DNA).

People are not born with these ideals. Children are not inherently prejudiced about anything, it is something they are taught by .. prejudiced people. The same goes for illiteracy; that is something that is not taught.

Nobody is born with the ability to read and write; that falls to the parents to teach those skills. Now on the topic of abortion, I highly doubt that any child born on this earth plans to have an abortion, it is a choice not part of our genetic makeup. I will agree that sexually transmitted diseases do evolve, but that just calls for better education on our part to try to stop the spread of them.

Who is the person taught that Jesus Christ was the "Creator of Everything?" According to what I was taught by my great grandfather, the Rev. John M. Pluummer, God created life, earth and the heavens. Not his son, Jesus. Life existed before Jesus' birth; there were the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, just to name a few. The Bible also states that Adam and Eve were the first people on earth. So, if God did this before his son was born, how could Jesus Christ be the "creator of everything?" In my Bible, it says God gave the life of his only son for our sins. I feel in my opinion, Mr. Anderson should rethink his ideas on creation.

At least, maybe, reread the Bible and refresh his memory on who came first, God or Jesus Christ. Remember, "judge not, lest ye be judged." Blessed be.


Christopher H. Boley,


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