Letter to the Editor

Only perfect man

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to the anonymous individual who called the Speak Out line on or about Jan. 26, A.D. 2004:

As Mickey Stubblefield once said, "You have got to be jiving me!" Impeach president Bush because he isn't living up to your schedule? How about the rescue of the P.O.W.s? How about the capture of Saddam? It's only a matter of time before Saddam confesses to the whereabouts of the weapons of mass destruction.

Why don't you hone your nit-picking skills on a more worthy project? Better yet, since you voiced your concern about the lives that have been lost in Iraq by those who are serving this great country, why don't you enlist and purpose to avenge their deaths?

After about two weeks of boot camp, when you are all settled in and used to the place, you can tell your drill instructor your personal opinion concerning the war and President Bush. You can also politely suggest your strategy on how the war can be won in the Mideast.

President Bush is not perfect. He will never please all the people all the time. There was only one perfect man on this earth, and because of envy, He was crucified. If you are seeking perfection, Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart.


George R. Anderson,


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