Letter to the Editor

Souper Bowl

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Dear Editor,

The Memorial United Methodist Youth would like to challenge area churches to participate in Souper Bowl Sunday on Feb. 1, 2004. The Methodist youth will be serving soup and sandwiches after the 10:30 worship service. The free will donation can be caned goods or a monetary offering. All proceeds go directly to the McCook Pantry in an effort to restock the shelves after the holidays.

The Souper bowl of Sharing is a non-denominational event in conjunction with Super Bow Sunday. Awareness of the hunger in our own communities and world is its annual goal. Although the event is nationally sponsored, all of the local efforts and proceeds stay in McCook and the surrounding area.

If you need more information on getting your church involved or making a donation, please contact me. We hope you will join us in this project.


Pam Wolford

MYF sponsor

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