Letter to the Editor

Where are they?

Friday, January 16, 2004

Dear Editor,

My fellow Americans:

Now that President Bush has nearly won the war on terrorism, there are still some evil-doers outside the Free World. They are far worse than all the terrorists could ever hope to be: The communists!

Where are they? No one knows, but the CIA is going to find them. Or, if they can't, then the FBI. Somebody must find them or our freedom will be taken away.

We must all do our part to stamp out communism.

How can you tell if you spot a communist? Ask him a question: Do you believe in the Bible? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in freedom and democracy, liberty and justice for all?

The communist will squint and drool. The communist has no mind because he is controlled and brain-washed by the evil writer Karl Marx. Where are the communists hiding?

Check your deep-freeze, check your water bills, check everything, because communism will change your way of life if you don't vote.

Vote for President Bush.

Steve Stramel,


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