Letter to the Editor

Where's D's?

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Dear Editor,

With the holidays here, I have neglected to thank all the very loyal patrons who supported me the past three years. I met and loved all of you.

It was such a pleasure to work with and get to know the young people who held their weddings and wedding receptions at D's -- it was a pleasure to serve you.

In July, I began to talk to the Elks about working with me to reduce the rent and utilities. I was paying $1,000 per month rent and $2,000 plus for utilities for the whole building. I paid my rent in July, but not utilities -- to establish the need; the Elks had their minds made up -- the only person who spoke in my favor was Stan Quigley -- thank you Stan.

My last large groups were Dec. 6 and 13. The club was packed upstairs and down, just like we all remember.

Being there for three years, I feel even stronger that we need to save this facility for the "great" people of this area. It's a beautiful big building with a lot of class and my dream is for someone to purchase it for what we were using it for.

I will miss all of you and wish you a happy and prosperous new year.


Delores Henton



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