Letter to the Editor

One-sided article

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Dear Editor,

I'm writing in response to the article on the dog in the trap. Your article seems to be one-sided.

Now how long has it been since the guy checked his trap? Did he ever return to check the trap? There is no trapper out there that just sets traps and leaves them and doesn't check them!

The article also has a comment about the dog being "snared" what does a snare have to do with a foot hold trap?

Guess that just sounded better. How would anyone know how long the dog had been in the trap? If the "boys" knew where the traps were why didn't they check in that area first?

Why would they carry the dog? Dogs can and do walk on three legs all the time. Had you ever thought an "anti" had placed this story? or made it up and staged this?

If the "boys" knew where those traps were they knew a lot about them -- HUH?

Have they ever seen anyone checking or setting traps or had it been put there years ago and just now caught something?

We know that you newspaper people just love a good story but please, start printing only the facts and not some made up fiction, just so you can sell more papers.

Lonnie Phillips

via e-mail

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