Letter to the Editor

End oppression

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Dear Editor,

In the Dec. 4 issue, one Mr. McPhillips spoke quite vehemently on the hypocrisy of the ACLU.

Unfortunately for the readers, he neglected to look at all aspects of the matter.

As I have come to understand it, the purpose of the ACLU is to defend the civil liberties of Americans, as the name so clearly states.

Fortunately for us "mainstream" Americans, our civil liberties are rarely infringed. As "mainstream" Americans (Heterosexual White Anglo-Saxon Males), we had civil liberties before they were categorized and enforced.

Although our liberties are just as important, I believe atrocities inflicted upon the minorities (including women and children) of our society have been ignored for too long and need to be of higher priority.

In addition to this, he addressed the hot topic that is the second amendment. As important as the Bill of Rights is, I have considerable concerns as to the necessity of such heated discussion. As I see it, this amendment clearly explains itself. Currently, law abiding citizens have access to a plethora of firearms, many of which have no purpose.

Additionally, our country, states, and cities have more than well-regulated militias.

Any infringement on the Second Amendment pales in comparison to much larger issues.

We have so many appalling things going on in our country right now that there is no reason to quibble over trivialities such as this.

Let's not look for ways to legally perpetuate violence and oppression. Let's find a way to stop it.

Taylor Rogers,


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