Letter to the Editor

Open Forum

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Is that the plan?

Dear Editor, I was shocked and dismayed when I read the open forum letter from Jeremy Bain the other day. I could not believe that the city sewer would plug up, forcing raw sewage to flow into his basement and then tell him that they were not responsible. There had to be a misprint or the whole truth was not being told, so I contacted Mr. Bains and asked if he could show me the damage. Sure enough, when I visited with Mr. Bains that evening, he produced the letter from the city's initial inspection that stated that it was the city sewer, which plugged up and yes it did flood his basement. He even had pictures, which clearly showed the extent of the damage to his floors, walls and furniture. What kind of management is running this city? Can anyone say, "recall" or "special election"? And now this great management team wants to annex (which is also defined as "take over" "seize" "occupy" "invade") other neighborhoods. Sounds scary to me. I sure hope this paper is not being read outside of the city of McCook, because if it is, I can assure you of one thing "under our city's present management, no one will want to move here" or maybe that is their plan after all. If it is, then they're doing one hell of a good job!  Kirt Matson McCook (Unfortunately)


Dear Editor, After reading the newspaper and seeing the comments made at the last City Council meeting, I immediately wanted to respond. The city manager said that city policy is to basically wait to be sued. Well, congratulations, John, you've done it. I think that this probably happens more than we all think. How many other residents have had the sewer invade their home and then been left responsible for the damages? Maybe they should sue also. That way, "city policy" is followed. To all the residents of McCook, I am sorry; I know you work hard for your money and don't want to use it so the city may buy more property. If I can't sell it, they will own my property soon. Who knows? Maybe it will all turn out for the good -- there may be good water on the property. Lord knows, they can't seem to find it anywhere else. Jeremy Bain, McCook

Sad to see it go

Dear Editor, My brothers and I used to play in the field immediately south of the water tower. When I was running in high school, I would run past it twice in the morning (out and back) and twice in the afternoon. Running back toward town, it was the ever-visible marker that indicated the "almost done" point. I'm sad to see it go. Thanks for the great story.

Carl Becker via e-mail

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