Letter to the Editor

Open Forum

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Bible accurate Dear Friends, I want to thank Dave Franke for his insightful letter on the 10 Commandments. Since the Warren Supreme Court ordered that they be removed from the walls of our school classrooms in 1963 our nation has gone down, down, down.

Now we have to hire police officers to patrol our schools. Teenage sex is rampant along with STDs. Alcoholism and drug use are at epidemic proportions in both highschool and college. Readers Digest runs story after story about binge drinking on college campuses and the disasters that result from it. Joe Mercado Jr. of San Jose, Calif., writes, "It's ludicrous to think that the Ten Commandments are laws of any standing in any part of our country." Our founding fathers didn't think it was ludicrous. Why do you think the 10 Commandments are chiseled in stone in our nations Supreme Court building Joe?

The Ten Commandments (not 10 suggestions) were given by God (there is only one true God, the Almighty who created us in His own image) given to Moses for the Israelites for a moral compass. Many people have compasses in their vehicles. Why? So they can know what direction they are going. Since God created us "for His own good pleasure."

He gave us a conscience and then reinforced it with His laws (there are many more in the Bible besides the 10 Commandments. Mr. Mercado believes the Bible is so much fiction. Has he ever read and researched the Bible? The Bible is historically accurate.

Archeologists have uncovered so much evidence that confirms its historicity. The Bible says that "we are awesomely and wonderfully made." Look how many medical specialties there are to address the human condition.

Mr. Mercado says, "There are plenty of Americans who believe ethics and morality come from the human mind and social and cultural interaction." If that is true, why aren't you people out there solving the problems caused by drugs, illicit sex, alcoholism, theft, robbery, murder etc.? Where does all of the debauchery come from? Once again the Bible is accurate in its assessment of the human condition when it says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it.?

Your Friend, Paul Schneider McCook

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