
Americans' response should be no surprise

Friday, November 2, 2001

In the days and weeks following the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans showed their best side as never before.

Hundreds lined up to donate blood. Monetary donations poured in at such a rate that some agencies finally had to say "stop." Everyone from movie stars to the man on the street responded by doing whatever they could for the relief effort on lower Manhattan and at the Pentagon.

Patriotism was everywhere, as evidenced by an abundance of red, white and blue coupled with shortage of American flags. But perhaps we shouldn't have been surprised. Giving is a part of life in the United States, and no where more so than in the Golden Plains of Northwest Kansas and Southwest Nebraska.

When we see a need, we are quick to step forward, whether it is to donate money, bring in food or help out with the chores. Those who live here can recount story after story of neighbors helping those in need.

As part of an ongoing series of stories, today's issue includes information on this year's "Choose to Care" United Way campaign. Throughout the community, employees are being asked to give through their work on a regular basis to keep a number of worthy community efforts in operation.

Sunday, the annual Crop Walk will take place to help combat world hunger.

Last week, area youth went door-to-door collecting food for the McCook Pantry. The annual Toy Box is currently collecting what it needs to help make sure every child has a Merry Christmas.

And, the annual Coat Closet event brought in hundreds of items of warm clothing to help those who might not otherwise be able to ward off the coming winter chill.

Donors also play a big part in helping meet the medical needs of the community, whether through the Community Hospital Health Foundation, Hospice, Hillcrest Nursing Home Foundation or many others.

Those are just a few of the ongoing charities which generous, caring residents support every year.

We were shocked when America came under attack Sept. 11, but knowing Americans like we do, our response should not have come as a surprise.

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