
Please take pride

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Dear Editor,

On May 16, my husband and I took flowers to both the Arapahoe and Holbrook cemeteries. We were appalled by the condition of both cemeteries!

The Arapahoe cemetery appeared to have at least been mowed this spring, but weeds around gravesites nearly hid the stones from view. Conditions at the Holbrook cemetery were even worse! My dad's gravesite was completely covered with weeds nearly two feet tall; the flowers we placed there in May 2002 were still on his grave!

Without proper tools or gloves, my husband and I did the best we could to pull weeds and clean up this mess.

As I looked out across this once beautiful cemetery, I could've cried at the pathetic sight it is now.

It obviously has not yet even been mowed this spring, and there has been complete lack of tender care or respect for those buried there.

Whatever Arapahoe and Holbrook towns are paying the cemetery caregivers, it is way too much, as they are not doing their job! We hope that the citizens of these two towns will once again insist upon taking pride in their towns' cemeteries.

Sandra Bice


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