Letter to the Editor

Open Forum

Thursday, August 21, 2003

EPA vacuum

Dear Editor,

Re: Gloria Masoner's last column on arsenic: Well put. The EPA continues to work in a vacuum, disregarding the financial burden of affected parties. With the recent blackout and subsequent water and wastewater problems, maybe Washington will finally fund infrastructure, whose shortfalls are estimated in the billions, at appropriate levels. I think it is important to reduce arsenic in drinking water, but we must also keep in mind it comes with a price tag.

Here's hoping that McCook and the rest of southwest Nebraska finds an affordable solution to the problem caused by the EPA.

Benjamin S. Johnson

Richard P. Arber



Popular column

Dear Editor,

Please keep Dawn Cribbs writings in the paper. I'm glad when I see her articles in the Gazette. I read and reread them, then I take my Gazettes to my friend Bob and he likes her as much as I do. My sister, Joan Maddux of Wauneta likes her articles, too. Her articles give a person hope, and the message that we're all human beings, most trying our best. She has a way of making us really "think" about what she has written.

Judy Miller,


More fan mail

Dear Editor,

To Mike and Bob:

Your printed views have done more to energize the Republican base than thousands of advertising dollars. Thanks,

Bob Lakey


Even in McCook?

Dear Editor,

I have traveled all around the U.S. and several foreign countries over the last 10 years. I travel for a construction company as a business manager.

For a little more background, I am a white 35-year-old conservative Republican originally from Oklahoma.

I am an avid reader and I look forward to each new destination and what that local paper has to offer. I arrived in McCook a couple of weeks ago to build an ethanol plant in Trenton.

I picked up a McCook Gazette and tore through it. I was pleasantly surprised to find the article "If it walks like a duck" by Mike Hendricks. I read the article at least three times. I had to wonder am I really in McCook, Nebraska, middle America ... conservative stronghold? Shazaam ... I am. Although I disagreed with many of the points Mike made in his article I can't begin to tell you how nice it was to have that kind of journalism available here in McCook. I have since that time met Mike Hendricks and had the opportunity to debate his article and our political differences. The thing I enjoyed most about his writing and the person was his ability to be open minded to a different point of view. I hate to admit this but we really have a great many things in common. So from the right ... keep up the good writing and thanks to the McCook Gazette for offering this to your readers.

Conservatively yours,

Kevin Holt


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