
Testimony heard on LR 107

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Testimony heard on LR 107

The Executive Board Committee held a hearing on LR 107 last Thursday. The intent of the resolution, introduced by North Platte Sen. Mike Groene, is to maintain and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Nebraska against foreign and domestic acts of aggression and abuse of power.

The committee received approximately 40 letters in support and 6 opponent letters. We had about an even number of people come in and testify both for and against the bill. The committee heard from 11 proponent testifiers and 7 opponent testifiers, there was no one testifying in a neutral capacity. A resolution like this must have a hearing and if it is advanced from committee, it will have one round of debate on the floor of the legislature.

Over my last seven years here I have enjoyed talking to many different school groups from my district that come to the capitol for a visit. If I know they are coming, I try to make it a point to get together with them and speak to the group.

This year, I have had the opportunity to meet and talk to a few different classes from District 44. From 4th graders to middle school kids, and even some juniors and seniors in a Government class, I enjoy meeting them and talking to them about my work here representing them all.

They get to hear me ramble a little about my background, the legislative process, the importance of civic awareness and engagement, among other things. They give me hope for the future and I hope that I make even the slightest bit of impression on them.

Just like I try to emphasize to all the school kids I speak to, we must be involved in what is going on around us and be aware of what our state and federal representatives are doing.

One way for our high school students to learn about how to get involved is by attending the 2021 Unicameral Youth Legislature that will be held June 13-16. If you know a high school student who is interested in government they should look into this opportunity.

The students will work with staff and senators to introduce bills, have committee hearings, debate legislation and get a real feel for what it is like to be a Nebraska state senator. Housing and recreational activities are coordinated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Extension 4-H Youth Development Office. Registration forms and more information can be found on the Legislature’s Unicameral Youth Legislature page. Registration deadline is May 28th.

Please feel free to contact my office with any questions or concerns that you might have. My email address is dhughes@leg.ne.gov and my phone number is (402) 471-2805. My office is in room 2108 at the Capitol if you are in the Lincoln area.

You can read more about bills and other work of the Legislature at www.nebraskalegislature.gov, and you can click on the Live Video Streaming NET logo to watch the session, hearings, and other Capitol events.

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  • How many citizens actually know the contents of The Constitution of the United States and the supporting law that defines it?

    Reading the document per se is a nice gesture but studying and knowing the many judicial findings that have given substance and meaning to The Constitution is entirely another.

    -- Posted by Joe Heathen on Thu, May 13, 2021, at 12:01 PM
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