'Adopt A Chaplain' deadline Nov. 15

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

McCOOK, Neb. -- The deadline to donate to Annie Trail's "Adopt a Chaplain" project is Saturday, Nov. 15.

Trail, of McCook, Nebraska, has coordinated the stuffing and mailing of "we care about you" packages sent to military chaplains each holiday season for the past 13-14 years..

"People have always been so very generous," Ann says, graciously offering items for the boxes and monetary donations to mail the boxes.

Postage has gone up every year for each of the flat-rate boxes she mails. "Money is greatly appreciated for postage," Ann said.

Ann likes to tuck notes of support and Christmas cards inside each box. "Please indicate what community you're from," Ann encouraged.

These are the items she and her volunteers will stuff into their chaplain boxes:

Chap Stick, deodorant and body wash for men (not too fragrant), hand and foot warmers, razors.

DVD movies (new or used), CD music, game books, crosswords, sear, Sudoku, etc.

Coffee Mate (any flavor), coffee (any flavor), hot chocolate packets, hot cider packets, single drink mixes for water.

Macaroni-and-cheese individual cups, ramen noodles (individual cups), microwave popcorn, beef jerky, power bars, granola bars, individual packages of trail mix and nuts, gun.

Candy (pre-wrapped), sunflower seeds, all flavors.

Items and monetary donations can be delivered to Ann's home at 201 West M; or call (308) 340-3578 to volunteer for packing parties and/or for more information.

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