Letter to the Editor

What it truly is

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dear Editor,

I would like to further support the Open Forum letter written on Feb. 6 and submitted by Kathie Cappel. It is my desire to educate the public to what abortion truly is and support those who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy.

Abortion has taken over 55 million lives of the most vulnerable and innocent in our society. It continues today under the protection of Roe V. Wade as legal at all stages of the mother's pregnancy. This is perhaps the greatest tragedy in America today and continues at the rate of approximately 3,000 unborn babies being killed per day as a "mother's right to choose." Here are additional quotes from people who were in the abortion industry, are still providing abortions or from a sworn testimony in a court case.

From the medical textbook Abortion Practice -- Dr. Warren Hern, p.114, in section on First Trimester Abortion:

"The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because the fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember. This problem is accentuated by the fact that the fetal pelvis may be as much as 5cm in width. The calvaria [head] is no longer the principal problem; it can be collapsed. Other structures, such as the pelvis, present more difficulty. A long curved Mayo scissors may be necessary to decapitate and dismember the fetus..."

US Supreme Court, Gonzales vs. Carhart, April 18, 2007, describing the D&E procedure:

"The doctor grips a fetal part with the forceps and pulls it back through the cervix..., continuing to pull even after meeting resistance from the cervix. The friction causes the fetus to tear apart. For example, a leg might be ripped off the fetus as it is pulled through the cervix and out of the woman. The process of evacuating the fetus piece by piece continues until it has been completely removed."

Leroy Carhart, testifying under oath in 1997 about what he does to facilitate abortion, Asheville Tribune:

"I know that the fetus is alive during the process most of the time because I can see fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound."

Judith Arcana, abortion activist, at a London seminar, October 1999:

"I performed abortions, I have had an abortion and I am in favor of women having abortions when we choose to do so. But we should never disregard the fact that being pregnant means there is a baby growing inside of a woman, a baby whose life is ended. We ought not to pretend this is not happening."

Abortionist Michael Weiner, MD, FPA:

"I am evicting the human from the incubator."

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sept 1, 1976, 126[1] 83-90.:

"Of the various ways to perform abortion after the midpoint of pregnancy, there is only one that never, ever results in live births. It is D&E (dilation and evacuation) and not only is it foolproof, but many researchers consider it safer, cheaper, and less unpleasant for the patient. However, it is particularly stressful to medical personnel. This is because D&E requires literally cutting the fetus from the womb, and then reassembling the parts, or at least keeping them all in view, to assure that the abortion is complete..."

Ron Fitzsimmons, Executive Director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, "An Abortion Rights Advocate Says He Lied About Procedure," New York Times, (February 26, 1997)

"One of the facts of abortion is that women enter abortion clinics to kill their fetuses. It is a form of killing, you're ending a life."

"In the vast majority of cases, the [partial-birth abortion] procedure is performed on a healthy mother with a healthy fetus that is 20 weeks or more along."

If these quotes shock or sicken you, why not help put an end to this slaughter of the innocent. If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. Many more are needed to help end this terrible injustice to our future generations that are being eradicated under the guise of a "woman's right to chose."

If you or someone you know has had an abortion there is help available in order that you may heal. One source of that help is "Project Rachel." You can contact them at 888-456-HOPE (4673). If you or someone you know is currently in a crisis pregnancy there is help available so that your baby will have life and you will not one day have to live with the regrets of abortion or perhaps the physical complications that can occur because of an abortion. Please contact the ABC Pregnancy Help Center at 350-0126 .

If you would like to help end the scourge of abortion in our country please get involved in the solution. You can volunteer your time in any number of ways or support those fighting this with your donation of funds. You may contact the McCook Right to Life at 345-6139.

I agree that "America will not end abortion until America sees abortion." May we once again become a nation with "Liberty and Justice for All" born and unborn.

Sally Loescher

McCook, Nebraska

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