Last chance at the end of the year

Friday, August 3, 2012
John Strecker-Baseler

It may seem like the end of the year is upon us as school starts up in less than two weeks! For most part, when a new school year starts it feels like a new year even though the calendar shows a few more months until 2012. For families with children in school, this time of year feels like the last chance to get away for a brief vacation before the new school year begins.

We might feel like we have had our last chance in many other areas of life as well. When the doctor says the next drink could be your last due to liver or kidney damage, or when our spouse says this is it, "no more chances," we had better listen.

We might feel that way about our relationship with God as well. We might feel, "I better straighten up or God will not take me back again." In life there are conditions, living agreements or social contracts so to speak, that might require give and take. The marriage with conditions on love is doomed to fail eventually. Our health and how we treat our bodies can be unmercifu, "you reap what you sow." However, God's love is constant.

As Christians we would never want to take advantage of God or God's unconditional love. Have hope that God is like a perfect, loving parent, who is always ready to take us back if we have fallen. We do not want to make it into "cheap grace," however, where we purposefully "back slide" knowing that God will love us anyway. Have hope that God will love you, but make it your New Year's Resolution that you will work on loving Goid and thankg God forever with your life. Last chances at the end of life don't have to wait until our dying breath. You can do it today and enjoy a refreshing new life with God, now.


Pastor John

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