Letter to the Editor

Do you have a plan?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dear Editor,

Paul Ryan has a plan to save Medicare and Medicaid so it will be there for our children and grandchildren.

The Republicans have submitted a number of budgets to prevent us from drowning in a sea of indebtedness, but Democrats shot them down.

Democrats don't have a plan to save Medicare and Medicaid, and yet they accuse Republicans of pushing granny off a cliff or sending children to bed hungry. President Obama proposed a budget to Congress, and not one legislator voted for it -- Democrat or Republican. Not one.

We can be proactive and go forward with a plan or do we want to be like the fellow on the TV commercial who didn't get flood insurance, and says "Does it look like I have a plan?"

We have a choice. We can make plans to preserve our union, or we can just wait and see what happens.

Janine Hall,

McCook, Nebraska

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