
Race pay off

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Dear Editor,

Just a few thoughts and facts about the racing in McCook. First of all there have been comments on the cost to the taxpayers; Donnie Sailors pays the county $650 for use of the track for every race. This is $8,450 for 13 races a year paid to the county. Sales tax is paid on every ticket that is sold. He keeps track of every tank of water that is used on the track and pays the city for that.

The maintenance on the track is done after hours and the time is volunteered or Donnie pays their wages. The maintainer used is surplus machinery and no longer used by the county. As far as I can see the county is coming out ahead on this deal, thus going into the tax fund not coming out.

I cringe at the thought of how much is spent on lighting, water, fertilizer, and maintenance alone at the ball fields and practice fields; and this is all coming out of taxes. I personally think a 'pay to use fee" is not out of the question here. Our children were on ball teams and I would have been glad to pay a little extra for them to play ball, it is great entertainment and exercise for the kids.

As far as the noise created by the racing, sure it is noisy but so are barking dogs, fireworks, loud stereos, football games, carnival nights, etc. I can hear the racing at our home but I have never had to turn my TV up to hear over it. My son lives two blocks from the track and we usually have to go out on the deck to hear if they are racing. Having had neighbors that allowed their two large dogs to bark constantly, I would have been thrilled to no end to know that they were only going to bark for four hours one night a week for 13 weeks.

That would have been Heaven for us. I hate to see a time limit put on the races. Some nights they are finished early but some nights there are more caution flags from wrecks. I would rather them be safe than to have to be so worried about time. Think of how we would all feel if a time limit is imposed and someone was seriously injured or killed because they were so worried about being finished sooner because of just a few people.

I hate to see the police waste their time for nuisance noise calls just because a few think this is the way to get rid of the races. I sure hope one of those folks doesn't really need the police while they are answering one of these calls. Can't we all be good neighbors and tolerate the noise for a few hours once a week for a few weeks.

The talk of moving the track to the old air base is ridiculous, how many people will be killed or injured traveling on the country roads to get out there and back. We may as well drape races in black and call them dead right now. Please be good neighbors and tolerate the noise for a few hours.

This is good clean entertainment that so many enjoy, come on out; take in a few races yourself, you might find yourself enjoying it too.

Karla Harris


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