
Shadows of war

Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Dear Editor,

Great nations are like big brothers, they feel the need to protect, defend and guide the poor nations of the world. Many countries depend on the United States for economic aid and generally receive billions of American dollars in aid for what? To be our friends? Or maybe so they would be more likely to trade with our country in goods. How much do we receive in return for our good gestures? Fact is very little in comparison, or none, in most cases.

Historically, when the world has been in conflict, the nations that prevailed were often the same. One that stands out most predominantly is the United States of America. In the course of history, the United States has consistently come to the aid of many countries in time of conflict and sacrificed many American lives to do so.

We have liberated countries time and again. We have burdened our country with debt to rebuild war-ravaged countries after conflicts and continue to do so even today. In return for the sacrifices our nation has endured, what have we been given in return? Again, little or nothing! Instead, countries ask us for more money and aid for their allegiance.

Now, at a time when the United States is again on the move to help more countries as well as protect our interests, who stands beside us? Certainly not France, whome we liberated in World War I and II. Not Saudi Arabia, with which we developed their wealth and then simply handed it over to them so they would have the ability to use their wealth against us with such organizations as OPEC. Why should our nation care what happens to these countries when we have the ability to defend ourselves against any aggression that may be aimed at us? Because we are Americans and humanitarians!

We sacrifice our loved ones for nothing in return but empty promises and lies. If it were our nation that was under attack, our enemies would slaughter us like animals without remorse. This is why we sould remember that our aggressions are only for preservation. If we wish to be fools and wait for our enemies to resolve their aggressions through peace, then we will become the fools of the world. We should never forget when foreign politicians have stood on our soils and talked peace, when in fact their war machines were already in motion against us. Why can't people understand that "our peace" can only be achieved through the strength of our nation and the will of our people.

There are individuals in our American society who use the power of the media to resist the government's decisions about the defense of our country. They spread their propaganda without access to the knowledge of thousands of military, CIA, FBI and local law enforcement intelligence-gathering entities, who are pooling their information to make sound recommendations to our military and government officials. The process to engage in war is complex and one who is not in the circle of knowledge will not, and cannot, fully understand the strategy, but only the victory or defeat.

Financing and participating in terrorism is the beginning of the end. All the countries of the world must realize that to look the other way with only peaceful efforts to contain the problem only allows it time to grow and strengthen. Israel understands the pain of political roadblocks and the loss it yields. Great Britain and Israel realize the danger, and have become our only true allies in an unpopular situation. If our nation believes terrorism will not happen here more often than ever before, we will only prove ourselves wrong! We must stand firm and reach out at all of these terrorist organizations in every dark corner (where) it hides, to prevent it from becoming an ominous monster that will haunt us to our end. As a nation united, we must look past our doubts and indecision and see clearly into the future of what must be done to prevent more of the possible destruction of our beliefs and our way of life as we know it today. We need to reach back to the foundations our forefathers built for us and use their strength and courage that they have given us to make the right choice of life for our children, the United States of America and ourselves.

Joe Marquardt


Vietnam 1969-1970

1st and 25th

Infantry Division

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