
Complete prophesy

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Dear Editor,

As you know, the U.S. is on the verge of going to war with Iraq. As you saw on TV, heard on the radio or read in the newspapers, all of the Islamic countries of the world are looking at this war as an attack on Islam by the "Great Satan."

The geo-political alignment of nations is now complete as prophesied in Daniel Chapter 2.

The northern alignment is headed up by Russia and the Islamic nations. The southern will be headed up by Egypt and all the African, the eastern headed up by China and the western will soon be headed up by the Roman Anti-Christ, when Europe or the European Union becomes "The United States of Europe" with a federal government (this will be the revival of the old Roman Empire, the 10 toes of this great image of a man).

Where is the U.S. in Bible prophecy? Why isn't the U.S. mentioned specifically by name as many other countries are? The U.S. is only alluded to, perhaps as one of the young lions and faintly in another scripture.

Already the U.S.A. is in decline and will decline very rapidly after our economy goes to pieces. As you see the Euro is growing much stronger against the dollar and the great oil producing nations have switched over to the Euro from the U.S. dollar; this alone will send the U.S. economy into a tremendous nosedive. Japan is in a terrible financial depression and is pulling billions of dollars out of the U.S. economy to try to keep its banks from going under.

Folks we are headed into a terrible depression from which we will not recover. If the Rapture takes place soon, the U.S.A. will be like a rudderless ship whose engines have died, in one of the worst storms imaginable. This will force the European nations to unite into one nation with a federal government (which they could overnight). Since the U.S.A. has a great body of believers in the Lord, Jesus Christ, including generals, admirals, doctors, nurses, many people in decision making capacities, workers of every description, managers & CEOs of companies, bankers etc. etc. etc.. What a shambles our great nation will be left in.

If you are not a true believer in Jesus as your personal Savior, please don't put it off any longer.

Pray and ask Him into your life as your Savior today.

Your Friend,

Paul Schneider


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